Of all the dozens of parts that make up your car, there is arguably none more important than the tires that are fitted. These round rubber objects keep your car moving smoothly along the ground, so if something happens that impedes this smooth movement, your safety is going to be compromised.
This could occur if your tires are mismatched, meaning that there is a notable inconsistency in one or more tires compared to the rest. If you have a tire that is a different size, tread pattern, manufacturer or seasonality from the others that are fitted, this creates a mismatch and potentially jeopardizes the safe driving of the vehicle.
Another possible cause of mismatching is a difference in tread depth, which could easily occur unbeknownst to you. Over time, a tire’s tread will erode, thus weakening its grip on the road. It is recommended to rotate your tires every few months (or sooner, if you do a lot of driving every day), as treads will erode differently depending on a tire’s position on a vehicle.
It might seem impractical, though, to replace a full set of tires if only one is problematic. While the safest option is to replace all the tires if one is troublesome, there are ways in which you could replace only one and not put your safety at foolish risk. If you get a puncture mid-journey, you can fit the spare tire to get you to your destination, but it should then be replaced with a proper tire immediately. You could also get away with replacing just one tire if the new one exactly matches the specification of the others on your vehicle.
The infographic below from First Aid Wheels outlines the dangers of mismatched tires and how you can lower the risk of being involved in an accident by ensuring that all your tires are consistent.

By: Mark Fawheels