Why it is important to understand the Shaping Innovation, Ethics, and Influence that is applicable of the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Digital Influence in the community?
I’ve joined the Free Webinar via Zoom from 4:00PM – 7:00PM entitled “Shaping Innovation, Ethics, and Influence-The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Digital Influence”, held on January 13, 2024. This is the Day 2 of the 4-Day Digital Influencer Summit 2024 by Ms. Janette C. Toral.
The Sessions discussed in the Webinar are as follows:
1. Creative Entrepreneurship for Influencers (Bert Azura Padilla), TekWorx)
Mr. Bert Azura Padilla shared about the innovative strategies on how to turn to online presence into a thriving business venture with regards to the world of digital entrepreneurship. He is the founder of TekWorxDigital who started online journey as a Blogger in 2009 (Cebu Tech Blogger); Professional Freelancer as “Ad Ops for Publishers”; Certified E-Commerce Trainer; Creator of WPBootcamp.ph; Digital Jobs/ Digital Skills Trainer; and Certified Trainer and Course Developer for DICT.

He also discussed the following: Understand Creative Entrepreneurship; How to Get Started; The Business Model Canvas (BMC); Adapting the BMC for Digital Influencers; Common Challenges; Using Generative AIs; Custon ChatGPTs; TekWorx’s AI Use; and What Really Matters related to Creative Entrepreneurship for Influencers.
2. Leveraging Influencer Networks for Wider Reach (Ace Gapuz, Blogapolooza)
Discover how to expand your brand’s reach and influence through strategic collaborations with digital influencers.

Ms. Ace mentioned that Influencer networks help you save time; help you save money; & help you get results. Besides, she also advised to consider the following: 1. Get connected to the network leader / primary representative; 2. Take time to get to know the members of the network; 3. Be clear about the objectives; 4. having a brief is preferred; and 5. Always consider fair value exchange
3. Mastering Niche Content: Building Engaged Communities (MK Bertfulfo, (Filipina Homebased Moms)
Uncover the secrets to creating engaging content that captivates and grows your business audience.

Platinum Sponsor: SIYBAUCO & ASSOCIATES Insurance Agency, Inc.
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