Who else was excited of the Grand Opening of OBSTACLE CENTRAL in Greenfield District, Mandaluyong City?
Are you ready to visit the new destination for Obstacle Course Race and Fitness Training in Greenfield District with an eco-friendly environment landscape, innovative recreational facilities and a convenient place for an ease of doing your daily activities as part of art of modern healthy lifestyle in the community this day & beyond?

The management, guests, and other persons involved was delighted of the OBSTACLE CENTRAL Grand Opening on March 20, 2024 held at Unit Anchor-03, The Portal, Greenfield District, Brgy. Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City 1552, Philippines. Obstacle Central is a playground or recreational place where an individual or group of persons, families, organizations and companies from different communities in the city or nearby cities are able to do an activity related to team building or may join the Obstacle Course Race and Fitness Training for personal growth in mind, physical body and spirit as part of art, fashion, sport and healthy lifestyle in the society.

Dr. Marc Laurenze C. Celis, Managing Partner/General Manager of Spartan Race Philippines and Obstacle Course Camp, Inc. launched the Grand Opening of Obstacle Central through Ribbon Cutting and Facility Blessing together with its management and guests from different companies and organizations in the community.

The event is filled with activities and programs that thrilled and captivated the guests of the Obstacle Center Grand Opening. It’s all about the art of Obstacle Course Race and Fitness Training to achieve their goal of a healthy lifestyle in general.

A “Run Faster and Longer” is an interesting topic and activity about Strength Training, Endurance and Speed was shared by Coach Seannah to the participants of one of the activities in the Obstacle Central.

Another necessary activity during the event was the Obstacle Class by Coach Ken & Jaypee who shared the Obstacles (8Ft Wall, Multi-Rigs, Olympus Wall, Monkey Bar, Rope Climb & Atlas Carry) and Osbtacle Simulation.

Other activities are Pound Class with Coach Pach, Yoga Class and MetCon with Head Coach PX with Guest Coaches from Spartan SGX Kalabaw.

In general, all of the activities during the OBSTACLE CENTRAL Grand Opening are successful and necessary for the brand positioning of the Company, Obstacle Course Camp, Inc. in the community. With its strategic location, the participants and guests will be able to reach the Obstacle Central with ease and convenience to participate the Obstacle Course Race and Fitness Training this day & beyond.