The QC Eco-Run: Run Green, Breathe Clean was held on November 24, 2024 at the Quezon Memorial Circle, a national park located in Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City, National Capital Region (NCR), Philippines.

Diverse runners, advocates and enthusiasts from the diverse communities were thrilled of the game-changing experience of the 10k Run, 5k Run, 2k Jog/Walk and Free Dance Fitness Marathon in Quezon City.
I participated the 2K Jog/Walk of the QC Eco-Run: Run Green, Breathe Clean and this successful event remind the participants of the importance of Eco-Environment Friendly, Healthy Lifestyle for Fitness and Eco-Tourism in the community to this day and beyond. QC Eco-Run: Run Green, Breathe Clean is relevant and related of the Clean Air Movement, Fitness and Eco-Tourism of the Government of Quezon City which creates a big impact on everyone’s every day living in the diverse community.
Over 6,000 active runners, lifestyle for fitness and run enthusiasts had enjoyed the “QC Eco-Run: Run Green, Breath Clean”, and came together to celebrate fitness and sustainability in the running community. The participants, volunteers, and organizers was united in supporting the advocacy of the QC Eco-Run, to a healthier, greener future in the diverse community, this day & beyond.

The QC Eco-Run is presented by Globe Telecoms, Major sponsors – Ayala Land Estates, Vertis North and Manila Water.
Event partners include Starbucks Philippines, Mc Donalds, Jollibee, Skeen Clinic, Gold Seas Tuna and GCash