Keep Your Body Audacious, XO and Engaging with Scents by Unilever

2 min read

Why we need to guard or protect our body, especially, our underarms against germs and viruses in the environment as we actively doing our daily activities in general which may possibly the causes of skin allergies, body odor and other skin diseases?

The germs & viruses transmitted in our body and the food & beverages we eat or drink are possible effects of body odor due to excessive sweating. With this, aside from good hygiene of taking a bath regularly to make our body keep refreshing and using clean clothing in our daily lifestyle, we also need to choose the food and drink we in take to our body and of course using a recommended scents and deodorant products that could prevent excessive sweating to our underarms as we are confidently doing our important activities related to personal or business matters.

I know a man who actively use scents by Unilever to keep his body Audacious, XO and Engaging (AXE) every time he goes out in attending meetings with his associates and parties with his friends or relatives in any of the valuable locations or rendezvous in the community.

AXE ICE CHILL is Axe’s freshest fragrance yet made for Men. Its scent is composed of natural watery notes and enhanced by Frozen Mint and Lemon which leaves you smelling fresh. Axe Ice Chill Body Spray also has instant cooling benefits that cools your skin by up to 11C so you can stay cool and confident any time.

AXE ICE BREAKER is the clean and refreshing scent of Axe with the aromatic freshness of icy lemon and mandarin. It cools your skin down by up to 11 degrees to help you #KeepYourChill.

Keep Your Chill as Unilever Beauty Store goes up to 50% off at Shopee’s 7.7 Mid-Year Sale! For me, I recommend AXE deodorant brand to keep your body Audacious, XO and Engaging (AXE) as cool and confident any time.

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